I've got a wild hair -- always have had this hair -- it's stayed with me for quite a while, keeping cool, hanging out, turning gray. Well, it finally got so bloody irritated that it demanded my attention! I'm pulling up stakes and moving out west. It's something that I've wanted to do since not long after graduating high-school.... but have never had the guts to do. It's finally time -- now is the best time, no attachments, not too many worries (at least not for a decent while) and a family that's crazy enough (or cool, caring, loving, supportive or whatever enough) to buy me a beautiful red pickup truck (here) w/ a towing package so that I can get myself and my motorcycle across the country! Very necessary since the old 'roomina' (as it was called by a few of my friends) has blown a gasket somewhere (either intake or head we're pretty sure). So, i'm trying to sell it -- for whatever I can get, who knows.
Ah, the west coast.. the left coast, whatever you like to call it..... My kid sister (kat/katie -- she has been calling herself kat for many years, though I've always called her kate) made the move years ago, and has managed to adjust quite well. So well in-fact that she's agreed (maybe she's just crazy -- j/k, love u sis) to allow me to live with her and her husband until I find work out there!! So, it's Seattle bound for me! Well, Tumwater,WA actually.. a small town about 1.5-2 hours south of Seattle along I5. They have an apartment there with an extra bedroom that I'll be leasing for a (hopefully -- not that I don't love you and all sis.. but u know) short time until I'm able to get my feet under me. VERY COOL! Not to mention the sailboat that they have moored and take out every weekend :)
Anyway -- My hope is to sort-of keep a pseudo journal online for everyone who's interested in this little trip I'm getting ready to embark on. I expect we'll be stopping by internet-enabled / wireless-enabled cafes along the way, or at least a hotel (whenever we need showers and don't feel like camping) in which I can provide updates and some pictures of events since the last posting.
So.. here's the 1st post. We (Dad, Uncle Kenny and I -- well, to their credit mostly Dad and Kenny) moved out all of my bedroom furniture from the apartment today. Kenny decided that It'd be better than what he currently has.. and since I didn't make any real attempt to sell it private party -- it's best to see it stay w/in the family. Kinda sad to see it all go... that was the 1st (and only) bedroom set I ever owned -- mom and dad bought it for me back in 1984!! Or course the queen-size bed I bought later... lol., but anyway, that stuff'd been with me for quite a while! Now I'm staring at an empty room...
Realizing that I'll be sleeping here for the next week until this trip gets underway (when the accommodations move to somewhere in the pickup, or in a tent :).
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