I also picked up some shelves to put my clothes on and got my room almost squared away.
I have a bit more organization to do in the closet and I'll be all set.
Oh, a bit of good news... My sister gave me the email address of the fella in charge of PC support at her workplace, who may have some part-time work for me! So, I'll be sending him an email sometime today.
As promised, I did take a few moments this morning to put together that nice interactive map! It's pretty cool since you can use the hybrid and zoom features to get a feel for the sort of terrain that we covered. According to google maps we covered 3,496 mi!
See the map here
And... I finally found my data cable! So, here's some pics!
Just pulled into the apartment building parking lot...
Getting ready for the last unloading :)
A pic of the apartment building...
A shot of downtown Olympia from inside the pickup... rain, yes -- you were all right, it rains quite often - it has been since we arrived.
New home for my baby - much better than sitting completely exposed as she was back home.
We take it easy parcheesi in the evenings here.
Here's a pic of one of my new roomates...
Taking Dave to the airport so he can do some work in San Fran. for a bit before heading back to JC.
I haven't been out riding yet, but the rain let up yesterday and it has been BEAUTIFUL since. I'm told that it basically rains non stop from fall to summer and that it's wonderful weather mostly all summer long. So, looks like I picked the right time to get here :)
I may go riding today -- the movers came to pickup Dave's bike this morning... So it might be back in TN before he is! guess I'd better get to the UPS store to ship his helmet, leathers and keys back to him eh?
Until next update then!
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