So, Nebraska and Western South Dakota was probably the most boring state EVER!! It's mostly farmland. The 'not so great' plains. Probably the most interesting thing about it was that the entire area is irrigated.... A great deal of the farmland was underwater, or at least had large channels of water surrounding each plot. Those areas that were dry had large, overhead, mobile sprinkler systems. Silos, silos, silos and more silos.... lots of harleys, full dressers, trikes and cruisers everywhere.
I remember seeing an article in water ski magazine about people that would hook-up a tow-rope to the back of a pickup and tow a skier behind their trucks... totally doable out here, there's been water channels on either side of the road now for the last few hundred miles. Water Skiing anyone?
It's kind-of hard to see, but that little rectangle sign on the top of the rest area sign says 'Wireless Internet'. Turns out that it's available at almost every rest stop in MO... guess that's some municipality deal where they ran high-speed lines down the interstates or something.
Another funny thing was that, in the middle of nowhere there would randomly be a Harley Davidson dealership, a Ford dealership, and an RV dealership.... and nothing else.
It would seem that everyone was right when they advised booking it across the midwest... boring! It's also funny that, occasionally it looks as though there's long trails of smoke rolling off into the air -- turns out that it's usually just a truck or some other vehicle rolling along a road bordering the irrigated areas along either side of the interstate.
More of the same...
So this update comes to you from via Panera Bread in South Dakota. We crossed the border about an hour ago, and it was about food time when we came upon this little haven. MMMMM coffee and sammiches!
Unfortunately we're closing the place down -- turns out they close at 8 here... oops. Oh well, the door was open. Anyway, we're off again. More updates when I can.