They were pretty busy, there was a jazz band playing on stage and all kinds of people wandering about.
Kindof funny... we were leaving the bank (they don't take plastic at the farmer's market) and I just happened to look into my rearview and saw this crazy thing!
It's an old toyota camry... jacked up! So, I didn't escape the rednecks by moving away from TN :)
Here's a view from the dock near Swantown (the marina near the farmer's market).
It's the 'Port of Olympia'. Still a decently used shipyard... though it used to be the main port in the Northwest region it has since been outshined by Seattle.
It's been absolutely GORGEOUS out here. It did totally rain everyday the first 2 or 3 days I was here, but since then it's just been amazing. Unfortunately I haven't been riding much. I'll get out during the day once in a while and tool around town, but there really isn't much in the way of 'recreational roads'. At least not within an hour's ride. So, I'll probably save it for the track, after I get settled in a career that is :)
Oh... speaking of. I got a call back from the nice folks at Onyx and had a great conversation with their technical director. It looks like this company might just be the place for me. I'm headed to Bellvue later next week for the night for a few face-to-face interviews. We'll see!
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