Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Finally Home

... well, at least at Kat and Phil's home :) Now it's time to get down to business... change the address, get the resume updated and visible, list needs / wants
1. bed (the floor's a bit hard :)
2. door mirror for my bathroom (gotta look sharp for those interviews... yes, i'm trying to be optimistic)
3. clothes hangers
4. shelves or something to store/organize my clothes (they're all over the floor now)
5. picture hangers (for the SWEET shots rick and the gang over at CRR got for me!
6. speakers (Dave bought most of the stereo that I've been building since I was in gradeschool, sofa and all the rest of my stuff)
7. a HAT! (it totally rains as much as they say -- and it just rolls off my bald head into my eyes!)
8. laundry basket

I've totally got more pics to post up, but I can't find that darned data cable again!! I know it's around this mess (pic sometime) somewhere and when I find it I'll update.

Phil just got back from work and we're headed into town for the bed and maybe some of the other stuff on the list... more news later.

Oh... I've also got a nice map of the whole route that's interactive (zoom/scrollable) that I'll post up .. tomorrow hopefully.

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